Thursday, June 16, 2005

Workin' hard...or hardly workin'?

I think you know the answer.

As I sat staring into my computer screen today, I realized that I've had some interesting work experiences over the years. I tried to think of all things I have ever done for money or some sort of compensation. Here's what I remembered, in rough chronological order:

• Chinese Restaurant child laborer *
(taker of orders, answerer of phones, packager of fortune cookies)
• Grocery bagger
• Beach concession stand worker / Italian ice scooper
• Keychain engraver / Boardwalk Carnie
• Rental video store clerk
Doc Films voluntary slave †
(general lackey, ticket seller, show captain, projectionist)
• Admissions Office Student Assistant
(alphabetizer/sorter of applications, stuffer of envelopes)
• Human Guinea Pig
• Usher (not the R&B superstar...I wish!!!) / Link in Human Chain (graduation ceremonies, N’Sync concert)
Scholars at Risk Student Case Manager
• Public Radio production intern ‡
• Business economics research assistant
• Survey Research Program Assistant
• Generic “Analyst”

What's the craziest thing that you've done for money?

* Oh, relax…it was my parents’ restaurant.
† I got a free movie pass and, eventually, a T-Shirt.
‡ They paid me in BOOKS! Best job ever!!


At Thu Jun 16, 12:36:00 PM, Blogger Natalia said...

Well, let me see... I've tutored, I've proofread, I've tutored, I've taught, and I've graded. Ah, my versatility knows no bounds...

At Fri Jun 17, 12:02:00 AM, Blogger YDubL said...

You forgot "inculcating undergrads with an undying love for English literature." And don't forget "shaping/warping young minds for posterity". America salutes you, Natalia!!

At Fri Jun 17, 02:51:00 PM, Blogger dirteens said...

Hmm... I almost sold Mardi Gras beads (incongrously at the Gay Pride Parade in SF). That doesn't count though it was a near miss. In high school I sported old lady sweaters to sell clothing at Talbots. Your list was awesome - for a minute I was convinced that you were Usher!

At Sat Jun 18, 09:48:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, random people read strangers blogs all the time, so some loser with lots of time on his/her hands is probably reading your blog and cyber stalking you. CREEPY!!! BLOGS ARE EVIL!!!!!

I'm beginning to like this comment box.....:o)

At Tue Jun 21, 11:34:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching the same planetarium show 5 times a day, three times a week, for the months. I can still hear Bill Curtis in my nightmares..."What causes these intense gamma ray bursts? Black holes? Stars being ripped apart by... black holes?" The weird thing is now I'm helping build a telescope that will help figure that out. It all comes full circle so don't worry, I'm sure you'll return to the carnivale someday...


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