Je suis arrivee (yes, I know I'm missing the accent on the first "e")
Bonjour, tout le monde! Well, I'm in a bit of a rush and still a bit tired from the travels (as well as having to think and write in French!), so I'll leave you with a little story that my workgroup and I composed in class today. Our book gave us the following scenario and instructed us to write a story...
I remember it was the 15th of January, 1951. I was happy to recall the day before, when I met a beautiful girl...[picture of girl sitting on a tree trunk follows] [Ed. note: I know...WTF?]
Anyhoo, here's the story that my group and I wrote to practice our newly acquired skillz in the plus-que-parfait:
"That day, I was walking in the forest. I saw a lot of trees and lots of animals, but the most beautiful animal that I saw was this girl sitting on a tree trunk. She told me her name was The Queen of the Forest. I introduced myself, and we decided to spend the day together. I asked her to dance and then gave her a flower. She told me, 'No!' I then asked if she would like to go on a picnic with me. She said she had a rendez-vous with some animals. I began to insist that I accompany her. She answered: 'Ehhhhhhhhh....OK.'"
No "s" at the end of arrivée!!! :o) Man, your French better improve on this trip! Heh heh.
And that story was heartwrenching. Story of the YEAR. Not to mention very French. If it don't leave you confused at the end, then it ain't French.....
wait, did you have to write the story in french or english?
ehhhhhh ok.
Hee. Great story, YW.
FYI, the code for "é" is "é" (without the quotation marks). Guess what "è" is? That's right, "è." These clever computer people...
Ack! Blogger refused to distinguish between & and &_amp_; (without the underscores)! Ok, the code is:
without the underscores.
Sheesh. Stupid Blogger.
Do you have to use the wonky DVORAK keyboards?! Those screwed me up so badly. Or did they buy American QWERTY boards for all the students?
Best.Story.Ever...and oh so very French as others have pointed out.
PS - You've always been so considerate to the Asian peoples, Kenny. True Bai was voted off...stupid tween girls and their love for Carmine Gotti 'In-Yellow' (I never figured out what they were really saying for his name)! But someone like Bai Ling can never be kept down. She will rise again, and in what better form than the Queen of the Forest?
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