Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Back in Xelá, being punished by rain and present subjunctive

When I was traveling in Honduras, the weather was so sweltering that I regularly wished that I was back in Xelá´s cool highland weather. Rude awakening: rainy season has arrived in the highlands...and it ain´t pretty. It rains pretty much every day. Cold, "I want to give you pneumonia!" type of rain. Good thing I am leaving soon!

So, yes, I am back in wonderful, albeit very wet, Xelá, and it´s quite nice. I have also resumed my language studies for a final week. I didn´t realize how much I missed my friends and teachers at school, so it is nice to be back...well, except for this crazy subjunctive business! Yeesh. Why is español so complicated anyhoo?

In any case, friends, since it is my last week in Guatemala, rest assured that I will resume the usual end-of-my-travels-in-this-country activities. That is to say, I will be blogging as much as humanly possibly before having to get on my plane). Sweet! Well, at least it will be sweet for the 2 or 3 of you who are my faithful regular readers! Until next time, then...


At Wed May 24, 10:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At Mon May 29, 03:04:00 AM, Blogger Natalia said...

Wow, I'm all behind on reading your blog. Sheesh. It sounds like adventures have been had. Espero que te guste el resto de tus vacaciones en Guatemala! (I love "el resto." It sounds so much like bad Spanglish, but is genuine Spanish. Hee.)


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